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How the story evolved...


Thank you so much for your support and interest in my book.  I wrote this after spending a weekend with my grandchildren.  My husband was away and I had time and the words just came.  After doing that I thought it would be so cool if I could put pictures to those words.  These were all snapshots in my mind of my life with my grandkids and family.  Those pictures took a few years.  Let me tell you it is very difficult, at least for me, to draw people.  I can draw nature pictures all day long, but people were a challenge.


The title came from the words my 1st granddaughter told me that her grandmother frequently said to her, “I knew you when you were a twinkle in the sky”.  I had a chance to be there when she was born and the first time I saw her and looked at her I got the sense that she had known me before.  Other pictures came from days spent outside with family.  Finally, there is a moment when we sit around the table as a family and pray.  My grandkids are usually around 2 years old and after praying they get this look in their eyes like they get it – we are all one family and we are each other’s love, hope, and support.


Namaste ~  – Let all the love in me connect with all the love in you.


A final note – I cannot forget how some of these pictures evolved.  After my Dad had died I found a picture of a pelican that he had drawn from his beloved days in Florida (I didn’t know he had that talent).  There is also a picture of an elephant.  My mother-in-law loved elephants and this little guy is for her.  As far as my Mom, this book is infused with her total love and devotion to her family.

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